Lown Cardiovascular Research Foundation

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Global CVD

Providing access to reliable, relevant, up-to-date health information is the single most cost-effective and achievable strategy for sustainable improvement in health.

ProCor is the Lown Foundations global network promoting CVD prevention in low-resource settings. ProCors electronic community includes world health leaders, front-line health care providers, community health programmers, researchers, and policymakers, many of whom work in isolated or resource-constrained settings.

ProCor disseminates timely, relevant, unbiased information about preventive strategies, and facilitates discussion among a global community committed to heart health.

ProCors email news and discussion forum provides free daily updates on the latest developments in research, policy, and community models to members of a global electronic network, who also can share their insights, ideas, and experiences with colleagues around the globe.

ProCor's website, an online repository of CVD-prevention knowledge, is integrated with the discussion forums email content, bridging the communication gap between people lacking access to the web and people whose knowledge-sharing is primarily online.

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